How To Setup A Trampoline – Step by Step Guide

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Edd, Help me build my trampoline from scratch, please. How can I set up a trampoline? What do I need to build a trampoline? Words that haunt me in the summer when I hear that my neighbours or family and friends have purchased a new trampoline or any piece of garden equipment for that matter.

While I joke about the ‘haunt’ of building a trampoline sometimes the instructions aren’t all that clear. Each trampoline is different which is part of the fun and the pain of building a new trampoline. So I’ve created this guide on how to build a trampoline, I’ve included images as a point of reference.

The trampoline that this build guide is based on is the Kanga Trampoline 8ft. It will tell you how to put together an 8ft trampoline, However, you could apply these steps to a 6ft trampoline, 10ft trampolines, 12ft trampoline or 14 ft trampoline. It may differ in some steps but the main build will be similar. Always refer to your individual trampoline instructions first.

So how do you build a trampoline?

Before you get started building your trampoline

First thing you need to do is get your area setup. Where is this trampoline going to go and do you have enough space. I’ll assume for the purpose of this guide that you’ve already measured the area to see if the trampoline will fit. If not you can visit my guide and informational page on how to measure a trampoline. Of if you’re struggling with what size you should be buying then try my what size trampoline should I buy?

Once you have the space designated next, make sure you have plenty of time.

  • Build time for a 6ft Trampoline – 2 Hours
  • Build time for an 8ft Trampoline – 2-3 Hours
  • Build time for a 10ft Trampoline – 2-3 Hours
  • Build time for a 12ft Trampoline – 3-4 Hours
  • Build time for a 14ft Trampoline – 3-4 Hours
  • Build time for a 15ft + Trampoline – 4 Hours

You’re free for the next 2+ hours, great! Let’s get started.

Step 1 – Layout all the Parts In the Trampoline Package.

layout all the trampoline parts

When you order a trampoline it’s usually delivered in a couple of boxes. Each box contains parts that you need to build the whole trampoline. It’s important that you wait until all the boxes for the trampoline build have been delivered before you start. You don’t want to have to go back or stop and wait till everything arrives. Check with your retailer how many packages are expected to be delivered. They usually tell you when you’ve ordered.

You’re looking for all the parts, try our checklist to ensure you have everything;

  • Trampoline Galvanized Steel Frame
  • Trampoline Legs
  • Trampoline T-Section Joints
  • Enclosure Poles
  • Enclosure net
  • Steel Trampoline Ladder (If your trampoline comes with a ladder)
  • Anchor Kit Pegs and Strings (Again, if it comes with the trampolines)
  • Trampoline Spring Cover and Padding

If you’re confident you’ve got everything needed then it’s time to start the trampoline build.

Step 2 – Start Building the Trampoline Frame. Step by Step.

t-joint trampoline sections

Take the trampoline steel frame parts, they form the circular shape of the trampoline and the T-Joint sections. Make sure you have an equal number of T-Joints to the trampoline frame parts. For an 8ft trampoline, you should expect to find it come in 6 – 8 parts.

join the t-sections to the steel frame of the trampoline

Connect and join the T-Sections to the trampoline frame parts. The purpose of the T-Sections is to provide a connection to the trampoline legs. For 6ft – 8ft trampolines you should expect 3 double legs with larger sizes such as the 10ft and 12ft trampoline using 4 and 5 legs respectively.

create the circular frame for the trampoline

The next part is to join each frame piece together to form the perfect circle as shown above. This is the basis of the trampoline structure. It’s starting to take shape and you can now see where the trampoline mat and legs will be going. Make sure the frame is tightly connected together.

legs added to the trampoline

Once you have the circular frame setup you need to start to add the legs. The legs join into the T-sections that we added to the frame earlier. Start with one dual leg and then move onto the next. You may need some help to add the legs onto the trampoline. In the end, you should have the trampoline frame setup like so.

scew the t-joint sections to the trampoline frame

Make sure the T-Joints and the legs are screwed and secured correctly before moving onto the next stage of the trampoline build.

Step 3 – Add The Trampoline Mat and Springs To the Trampoline.

trampoline mat contents

After we’ve safely set up the trampoline frame and secured it with screws, the next step is to add the trampoline mat. This is the main impact area of the trampoline so it’s important to make sure that the mat and springs are in perfect working condition.

  • Check the mat for any tears or holes.
  • Check the springs for prior use, they should be unused.
  • Make sure you have a trampoline spring tool in the package.

Once we’ve checked everything we are ready to attach the trampoline mat.

add trampoline springs to the trampoline

Add a spring to the mat and attached it with the trampoline spring tool at one part of the trampoline. Next, you attach the spring opposite the first spring attached. After the first two springs are attached you rotate 90 degrees and do the same for the next two springs. You want to end up with something like the picture shows above.

This keeps the trampoline mat taught and stops any damage occurring on one side of the trampoline mat as it’s perfectly balanced.

add more springs

Once you have four trampoline springs added, we then add another four following the same steps as above but now on a different side. Like the image showed above. Each spring should be equally spread out and you should take not to put too much pressure on one side of the trampoline over the other.

attach the springs clockwise

After you’ve added 8 springs then work around the trampoline clockwise adding springs to the trampoline and connect each spring to the trampoline mat. As you can see you’ve now got the basic trampoline setup. But it’s not ready for use yet. We don’t have the enclosure setup or any safety padding/ spring covers.

add the trampoline mat and tie it down

Add the trampoline spring cover and padding to the trampoline frame. Make sure it covers all springs and is tied down securely to the trampoline frame. This is a vital part to ensure the safety of kids using the trampoline.

Step 3 – Build The Trampoline Enclosure. Follow My Steps.

enclosure support fixtures

The trampoline support fixtures can be added before or after the trampoline padding. It’s upto you. We will add them now. With most modern trampolines the enclosure support brackets are fixed to the trampoline legs which provide extra support and stability.

trampoline enclosure poles

Next, lay out all the trampoline enclosure poles and fixtures to ensure you have the correct parts ready. For smaller outdoor trampolines such as the 6ft garden trampoline or an 8ft garden trampoline then you are likely to have 3 support poles, for larger trampolines that would be expected to go up from 3-6 trampoline enclosure poles. Most of the poles will come delivered in parts and require assembly.

attach support poles

Attach the first support pole to the trampoline fixture. Line it up correctly and secure the screw into the hole. Make sure it’s tight and feels secure.

build the trampoline enclosure to full height

After securing the bottom of the enclosure poles to the trampoline legs, next, we build up the trampoline enclosure poles to full height. They should slot together and secure quite easily.

Step 4 – Add The Trampoline Enclosure Net To The Trampoline.

Now we have the trampoline structure set up it’s time to add the trampoline safety net. The purpose of a trampoline safety net is to stop any child from leaving the trampoline after a mid-direction bounce. So let’s build the safety net.

layout all the parts of the enclosure netting.

Here we have the trampoline net and steel rods, the net forms the enclosure and the steel rods create and support the circular shape at the top end of the trampoline. Without the steel rods the trampoline net would sag and not provide much protection so don’t forget these items.

screw the trampoline rods together

Screw the rods together using the joints shown above. They should easily screw and for a 6ft or 8ft trampoline, you should have 3 extended steel rods for larger trampolines you will have a larger amount of steel rods to build.

trampoline rods
thread the trampoline rods to make the enclosure halo

Next, you need to thread the trampoline steel rods through the top of the enclosure. There’s a hole that these rods go into easily. Once all three are through you then join the trampoline rods together with the aim of creating once large circular ring. I call this the trampoline halo.

hook the trampoline halo to the top of the trampoline

Once you have the trampoline halo setup you attach the trampoline enclosure to the top of the trampoline. The Halo slots into the enclosure like shown above. You should note that the trampoline net at the bottom is not yet secured. Avoid securing this until after the trampoline net is attached to the top.

thread the string through the bottom of the trampoline enclosure
tie the trampoline enclosure to the frame

Thread the string through the bottom of the trampoline enclosure net and secure it to the trampoline frame. Usually, you have to tie it to certain loops on the trampoline frame or mat. Keep a look out for these loops. Once secured although you have your trampoline setup!

Step 5 – Add The Trampoline Ladder and Secure With Anchor Kit.

Finally, you should look to put the trampoline ladder together, usually coming in a few separate parts you need to secure the ladder hooks and place on the trampoline. The ladder helps the little ones easily access and exit the trampoline.

An anchor kit secures the trampoline to the ground and needs to be screwed into the ground and attached to the trampoline. Why should you bother with an anchor trampoline kit? Have a read of my how to stop my trampoline from blowing away guide. It explains why you need to secure your trampoline and how to do it for the best results.

Final Thoughts

It’s been fun for sure writing this trampoline guide. I’m all for showing everyone that wants to know how to build a trampoline. It’s the same basic steps for building an 8 ft trampoline that can be applied to how to build a 10ft trampoline or how to build a 12ft trampoline. I’m currently writing a how to build an inground or sunken trampoline guide also!

I hope it provides some good instructions on how to build a trampoline, remember to take the first steps seriously. Make sure you have the space in the garden for an outdoor trampoline and it’s free from any objects or obstacles. How to move a trampoline that’s already been built may require a different approach.

If you’ve got any questions or you’ve started building but need some advice then drop me a comment below.

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